Are you working for a healthier West Virginia? This conference is for you!
Yes, West Virginia tops many worst health lists … but we don’t have to stay there!
We can change that future! It’s up to us!
Enjoy two idea-packed, inspiring days with like-minded West Virginians! Register here!
Alert: The price bumps up on May 1 to $125 for two wonderful days – still a great deal, but why pay more? Register now and local in the lower rate!
* Trade ideas with people from all over the state who are doing great things.
* Get inspired, learn, plan your next steps.
* Apply for a minigrant for your healthier-community project!
* Help build a statewide movement!
* Have lots of fun.
A feast of affordable, do-able ideas! Register here! … Schedule here … List of breakout sessions here …
Forty wonderful breakout sessions!
From farmers markets and school gardens to bicycling and running programs to school-based health centers and parks, we’ve got workshop leaders who are actually doing it and really know their stuff! All from West Virginia!
- Dozens of exhibitors. Your chance to talk one-on-one with people who can help you.
- Affordable cost! $100 for two days of great workshops and great food till April 20. After April 20, $125, still a great deal.
- Dorm room cost: $30 per night.
- Here is a list of motels, hotels and camping with costs, in the conference area.
- Youth track! Ages 14 – 18. Read about it here.
- Scholarships available for youth and adults!
- Grants up to $3,000 to help make your healthier-community idea happen! If three or more people from your community attend and plan as a team, you can apply.
- A great team-building opportunity. Brainstorm with others from your community in a stimulating atmosphere. Come as a team and be eligible for grants.
Get a team together and apply for a minigrant for a healthy-community project! Register here! Info about minigrants here.
If three or more team members from your community come to the conference, you can apply for a minigrant of up to $3,000 to help fund a healthy-community project!
Try This Conference! June 3-4 – Early bird registration until May 1