Family time is important. With the hustle and bustle of work and other responsibilities, it can sometimes be challenging to settle into the present moment. After all, there’s that deadline tomorrow and your child’s activities to plan for the next week. The expectations can really pile up.
In an ocean of thoughts and feelings, spending present time with your child doesn’t always seem possible. And when you’re in the midst of a challenging moment, like a baby who won’t go to sleep or a child who asks an abundance of questions, it’s not always easy to be present.
It may seem boring to play with the same toy for the thousandth time, or you may get antsy if you sit in place for a half-hour as you help your child with homework. Use these moments to really connect with your child. Ask them questions, read them a book, play hide and seek or another game, schedule some parent-child fun every day (even just for a few minutes), have family dinners every night (or a few times per week), have teachable moments.
Put your phone away and just be p r e s e n t.
Begin to see each moment with your child as a gift. Use these moments to relish the present because these moments don’t last forever. Many parents say they wish they would have paid more attention to their kids during their formative years. How can you be more present for your children, no matter their age or stage?
- Cabell FRN: Foster Care
- Cabell FRN: Early Care and Education
- Cabell FRN: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Resources
- Cabell FRN Quick Guide and Other Resources
- Zero to Three: Positive Parenting Approaches
- Zero to Three: Screen Time
- Zero to Three: Fatherhood
- Zero to Three: Magic of Everyday Moments
- KidsHealth
- Harvard University Center on the Developing Child
- Center for Parent Information and Resources
- Strengthening Families West Virginia
- Motherly: Living in the Moment
- A Fine Parent: How to Be Present and Really Enjoy Kids
- The Purposeful Mom: 30 Ways to Reconnect with Your Kids