Update March 1st

I am happy to announce that we will now begin registering mothers for the 2018 Cabell County Community Baby Shower.  This year, we can accept 100 1st time mothers who reside in Cabell County and are due around May 1st or later.  Expectant mothers who already have children will be given the chance to be placed on our waiting list, in case of cancellations.


2018 Baby Shower Flyer


Please feel free to print the attached baby shower flyer to display and distribute to potential attendees.  If you need color copies of the flyer, please let me know.

Feel free to contact me with any questions.

Thank you,
April Knight, Family Resource Specialist, Mountain State Healthy Families

(see contact information at the bottom)




It is nearly Baby Shower planning season again.  Please reserve the date on your calendar for this year’s event. See ways to be involved, set up a vendor table or sponsor listed below.

  1. If you would like to be involved in an upcoming planning meeting,  contact April Knight, april@teamwv.org.
  2. 2018 Baby Shower Vendor Registration  If interested in hosting a table at this year’s Cabell County Community Baby Shower, please return a vendor registration form as soon as possible.  We expect that our limited tables will fill quickly.  This year’s community baby shower will be held at the St. Mary’s Conference Center on Wednesday, April 11th from 11-1.  Vendor set-up time will be from 9:30-10:30.  The event will serve 100 1st time Cabell County mothers-to-be and a guest.  Please help make us make the baby shower educational and fun for our expectant parents.
  3.  If you are not interested in hosting a table, but would be willing to sponsor a door prize (Baby Shower Door Prize Wish List ) or collect items for the baby baskets (2018 Baby Shower Basket Fillers Wish List), we would very much appreciate your help.  Without community donors, this event would not be possible.

Please feel free to contact me via phone or email with any questions, comments or concerns.

CLICK to download each of the documents

2018 Baby Shower Vendor Registration

2018 Baby Shower Basket Fillers Wish List

Baby Shower Door Prize Wish List

Thank you!

April Knight


Family Resource Specialist

Mountain State Healthy Families

PO Box 1653

Huntington, WV 25717

304-523-9587 ext. 302 (O)

304-412-6602 (C)

304-523-9595 (F)

Please join us on FacebookMountain State Healthy Families

EVENT: Cabell County Community Baby Shower April 11th – Registration is open for new moms!