Children need safety and security in order for them to reach their full potential as they grow into adults. We know that things cannot always be perfect, but as parents, it’s our job to try to prevent as many adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) as possible or address them when they do arise. ACEs are potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood (birth to 17 years). ACEs are common, with 61% of adults surveyed in 25 states reporting they had experienced at least one ACE during childhood. Learning from your own ACEs and preventing them for your children could reduce health conditions, such as chronic health problems, mental illness, and substance use problems in adulthood. It could also build resilience for both you and your child.

You can use protective factors to ensure that your child feels safe, stable, and nurtured. Creating a consistent family life – whatever that looks like for your family – will allow your child to know they are well taken care of. 

Learn more about the risk factors for ACEs and more from the CDC.