We have been so blessed to now partner with schools in Boyd, Greenup, Carter, Lawrence, Rowan, Adair, Larue, Kenton, Pike, Johnson, Elliott, Martin, and Lewis Counties in Kentucky; Lawrence, Scioto, and Gallia County schools in Ohio; and Wayne, Cabell, and Lincoln Counties in WV!
This is our first year of producing weekly video lessons for K-5th grade schools that partner with the Core Essentials Character Development Curriculum!
Also this year, we are thrilled to be producing the Canopy143 Project which is a DAILY vlog, hosted by local (Tri-State Area and growing) influencers, speaking to middle school and high school students about the importance of the monthly “Big Idea Value” that accompanies the school curricula. Canopy143 is aired on Facebook and Instagram. (@TheBigIdeaCamp)
We are now, also utilizing TikTok (social media) by putting out daily content @12pm , called “Mid-Day-Mojo”; a daily inspirational quote, or a silly video, or just an interesting concept to keep your brain moving during your work day. (@thebigideacamp)
And finally, we are preparing to begin a new program called “Parenting on Purpose” aimed at parents, grandparents, teachers, counselors, coaches, etc… Anyone who invests their time and influence on a regular basis with children and students. We want to look at research, hear from experts, give some “life-hacks” about this amazingly important role we, as adults play, in society with our influence on the next generations.
The challenge is huge, but the children are worth it!
RESOURCE: The Big Idea Camp Online learning for children