February 18, 2019

Here at the Cabell County Family Resource Network, we promote children’s dental health every day of the year. When we spread the word about dental homes, age-one dental visits and other key information, we communicate about the Brush, Book, Bed campaign from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

This week, we will delve into the Book portion of the Brush, Book, Bed campaign.

From birth, it’s vital to read to your child, according to the AAP’s Books Build Connections Toolkit. It helps establish your bond with your child and build your baby’s brain. Start setting aside some time for reading every day, no matter when that occurs during the day. Limit your distractions, like your cell phone and the TV, in order to spend quality one-on-one time with your baby. Establishing this routine early in your child’s life will create the foundation for future book reading and for your child to learn how to read.

Once your baby develops into an on-the-go one year old and toddler, reading still remains one of the most important core activities of the day. Your child will begin to explore more and will interact with more books by pointing, laughing and imitating words and sounds. Reading to your child on a regular basis also prepares them for school by honing their listening skills.

As your child gets older, he or she will express more strong wishes and preferences. Keep in mind that you can do other things to keep your child engaged if he or she does not want to read a story at a particular time. You can play with toys, go outside, sing and dance, teach ABCs and more.

When your child is 3 or 4, this begins the “why” stage. Reading is a great way to have a conversation with your child and answer questions. Children at this age heavily use their imaginations and are building the skill set to read for themselves.

You can help your child to learn to read over time by doing the following:

  • Run your fingers across words, numbers, illustrations and photographs.
  • Change up your voice! Use animal sounds and voices that will make them laugh.
  • Discuss the pictures in the book with your child.
  • Ask your children to help you repeat key words and phrases in the book.
  • Show a correlation between the story and real life issues and trends.
  • Stop and answer any questions your child may have during the story.
  • Keep reading to your child, even after he or she learns to read.

Here are some great books to add to your child’s library: https://www.pinterest.com/cabellcountyfrn/childrens-books/

This project is done in collaboration with DentaQuest Foundation, and the Community and School Oral Health Team at Marshall University School of Medicine applauds the efforts of the Cabell County FRN as it works to empower families in our local communities. The Cabell County FRN recognizes that families cannot be healthy unless they have the proper knowledge and tools on how to care and maintain healthy teeth and mouths.


The Cabell County Family Resource Network (FRN) is a partnership of individuals, families and agencies working together to promote the well-being of children and families in Cabell County. Since its incorporation in September 1993, the Cabell County FRN has brought together a broad-based representation of partners, including business representatives, consumers, and service providers from health, education, housing, and social services. These partners are critical to improving the well-being of our families and children. The Cabell County FRN envisions a coordinated, community-based social service system responsive to the needs of families and effective in enhancing the success of individuals and families to responsibly achieve their goals.

Blog: Brush, Book, Bed Campaign focus on Books – February 18, 2019