CLICK below to download the flier

Camp Kesem Flier 1


Attached is the brochure for Camp Kesem – a summer camp experience for children who have a parent with cancer or have lost a parent from cancer.  Please pass the information on.  The camp is free and directed by a dedicated group of WVU student volunteers. Please contact me if you need more information.


/James A. Keresztury, ACSW, MBA

Assistant Director, Cancer Prevention and Control
WVU Cancer Institute

Mountains of Hope Cancer Coalition

Adjunct Professor, WVU Division of Social Work and School of Medicine

West Virginia University

PO Box 9350
Morgantown, WV 26506
304-293-2370 (p)

304-293-9211 (fax)


SUMMER FUN: Camp Kesem – a summer camp experience for children who have been impacted by a parent’s cancer – June 10-15