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Sept 2015 CHWCoC letter on funding availability with HUD info
September 23, 2015
To Whom it May Concern,
The Cabell Huntington Wayne Continuum of Care has been notified that funding is available through HUD for the FY 2015 CoC Program Competition. The amount of funding available is $1.93 million, which is the minimum required to renew existing projects or to establish new permanent housing for chronic homeless through current funding reallocation. The Cabell Huntington Wayne Continuum of Care is seeking LETTERS OF INTENT for this funding by 5:00 PM on Wednesday, September 30, 2015 and PROJECT APPLICATIONS for ALL PROJECTS by October 15, 2015 at 5:00 pm. Funds available for this award have been allocated to a variety of projects over the past 20 years and those projects currently receiving funds are required to request renewals through this process.
Funds may be used for projects under four program components this year: Permanent Housing (including rapid re-housing and permanent supportive housing), Transitional Housing, Supportive Services Only, and HMIS. The CHWCoC places priority on permanent housing projects for chronic homeless and families, which is in line with HUDs national focus.
Eligible Project Applicants include nonprofit organizations, States, Local governments, and instrumentalities of State and local governments, and public housing agencies. For-profit entities are not eligible to apply for grants or to be sub-recipients of grant funds. All project applicants seeking funding under this NOFA must have a DUNS number and include the number in your letter of intent. All project applicants seeking this funding must also have an active SAM (System for Award Management) registration. (SAM replaces the Central Contractor Registration (CCR). Go to for more information.
The CHWCoC may create new projects through the permanent housing bonus which is up to 15% of the CoC’s Final Pro Rata Need (FPRN) or up to $289,805. New projects are limited to:
a. new permanent supportive housing projects that will serve 100 percent chronically homeless families and individuals, and b. new rapid re-housing projects that will serve homeless individuals and families coming directly from the streets or emergency shelters, and includes persons fleeing domestic violence situations and other persons meeting the HUD definition of homeless.
To learn more about the process and to gain a better understanding of the allowable programs, you may access the Notice of Funding Availability for the Continuum of Care Program Competition at the HUD Homelessness Resource Exchange at or To learn more about the CHWCoC and to obtain a copy of the Strategic Plan for the Continuum, you can contact Amanda Coleman at or Jeanie Budrus at
The CHWCoC has a Prioritization and Evaluation Committee that will review the letters of intent, and notify the applicant as to whether the project 1) meets the priorities of the CHWCoC Strategic Plan and 2) meets the requirements of HUD for funding. Project Applicants must then complete their application (electronic through e-snaps) and the committee will review and rank them for submission. Applications must be submitted by Thursday, October 15, 2015 to be considered.
Applicants who are not chosen for submission will be notified by October 30, 2015.
Letters of Intent should be prepared on agency letterhead and 1) sent to Francie Roberts-Buchanan, Homeless Project Coordinator, Cabell County Library, 455 Ninth Street, Huntington, WV 25701; or
2) e-mailed to and must include the following:
1) The program for which you are applying;
(permanent housing, transitional housing, supportive services only, HMIS)
2) The amount of funds for which you are requesting;
3) The number of people you propose to serve annually;
4) Any special target populations for which you are serving,
(individuals, families, chronic homeless, veterans)
5) Whether the project is new or a renewal;
6) The name, email and phone number for the project key contact person
Assistance with information on where to access technical assistance on HUD’s website can be found at a copy of the Federal Docket and the process for application is being distributed with this notice as well as through the Family Resource Networks in Cabell and Wayne counties for public review and application transparency. Further, a copy of the CoC Consolidated Application is available upon request by contacting the collaborative applicant, which is the Coalition for the Homeless, 627 Fourth Avenue, Huntington, WV 25701, or calling 304-523-2764, extension 102.
Letters of Intent must also contain agreement to the following:
1) All clients served by the project must meet the homeless criteria as established by HUD.
2) Recipient will enter client data into the CHWCoC HMIS system
3) Recipient will spend funding (should it be received) in a timely fashion, drawing project funds on a quarterly basis at the minimum.
4) Recipient will complete all reporting requirements, including Annual Performance Reports (APR) as required by HUD and the CHWCoC according to the due dates established.
5) Proposed project’s assistance will include assisting program participants to achieve and maintain independent living and establishing a record of success (including but not limited to maintaining permanent housing for more than 6-months, increase of income through employment and connection with mainstream resources etc.)
6) Project will meet the Project Eligibility Requirements (Section V) of the FY 2015 Notice of Funding Availability for the 2015 CoC Program Competition – General Section.
7) Recipient will provide a signed Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan (Form HUD-2991) (if the applicant is not a state or unit of local government) that the application for funding is consistent with the jurisdiction’s HUD-approved consolidated plan.
8) Recipient will participate in the annual point-in-time count, conducted during the last week in January.
9) Successful letters of intent for any new projects will also include agreement to provide a completed Project Application in accordance with the requirements outlined by HUD .
Please direct any additional questions to Francie Roberts-Buchanan at or by calling 304-528-5660 or 304-523-3501.
Francie Roberts-Buchanan, Chair
CHWCoC Prioritization and Evaluation Committee