Huntington, WV
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Cabell County DHHR
Register Online Only at:
DOWNLOAD PDF – 2015 Spring FYES Flyer 6-10-15
This cross-disciplinary training is for anyone who works directly with children, youth and families in the child welfare, education, behavioral health, juvenile justice, delinquency prevention, or related fields.
> Participants will learn the definition of Family & Youth Engagement, as a core competency of community-based Systems of Care.
> Participants will learn benefits of engaging families and youth in service planning and delivery, as well as challenges to engagement within various child and youth-serving systems.
> Participants will learn the six components of effective parent engagement that were rated as most important by West Virginia families of children with behavioral challenges and other needs.
> Participants will review key concepts and develop practical skills for each of the six family engagement components.
> Participants will develop personalized plans of action to improve family and youth engagement in day-to-day practice.
Application has been made for Continuing Education Units in social work
Sponsored by the West Virginia System of Care and the Family Advocacy, Support & Training (FAST) Program