Cabell County Community Service Organization (CCCSO) - (304) 529-4952 -
Assisted transportation for 60+. Must qualify for hands-on assistance with transportation based on agency assessment.
Catholic Charities West Virginia - (304) 650-3514 -
Call for transportation assistance.
Faith in Action - (304) 697-1274 -
Provides door-to-door transportation for medical appointments, grocery shopping, and errands for seniors and older individuals.
Modivcare - (844) 549-8353 -
Medicaid patients only. Will provide immediate transportation for discharges if a driver is available. Will also provide gas reimbursement for its members.
Routes to Recovery - (304) 523-4673 -
Available Monday thru Friday 6am to 5pm. Vouchers needed. Participant needs to be ambulatory. Participates with the Modivcare State Medicaid Program.
Taxi Tommy - (304) 691-9616
Taxi service based in Huntington, WV. Pay with debit card.
Tri-State Transit Authority (TTA) - (304) 529-7433 -
1120 Virginia Ave, Huntington, WV
Provides bus service in Huntington, WV and surrounding areas. Operates Monday thru Saturday 6:15am to 11:15pm.
TTA Dial-A-Ride - (304) 529-7700 -
Riders call ahead when they need to be picked up.
Assisted transportation for 60+. Must qualify for hands-on assistance with transportation based on agency assessment.
Catholic Charities West Virginia - (304) 650-3514 -
Call for transportation assistance.
Faith in Action - (304) 697-1274 -
Provides door-to-door transportation for medical appointments, grocery shopping, and errands for seniors and older individuals.
Modivcare - (844) 549-8353 -
Medicaid patients only. Will provide immediate transportation for discharges if a driver is available. Will also provide gas reimbursement for its members.
Routes to Recovery - (304) 523-4673 -
Available Monday thru Friday 6am to 5pm. Vouchers needed. Participant needs to be ambulatory. Participates with the Modivcare State Medicaid Program.
Taxi Tommy - (304) 691-9616
Taxi service based in Huntington, WV. Pay with debit card.
Tri-State Transit Authority (TTA) - (304) 529-7433 -
1120 Virginia Ave, Huntington, WV
Provides bus service in Huntington, WV and surrounding areas. Operates Monday thru Saturday 6:15am to 11:15pm.
TTA Dial-A-Ride - (304) 529-7700 -
Riders call ahead when they need to be picked up.