Here we go again with our Empty Stocking story gatherings. We need little stories, no more than four sentences long, stories of very real clients, using fake names, to get people what they need at Christmas-time, and for the rest of the year. We need stories of people whose needs are not terribly big, but whose lives would be made better if the community would help them during the holiday season. We don’t want “family needs beds,” but a bigger insight into the situation would draw more results. Something like ” It’s hard for James and Will to get a good night’s sleep when they are sleeping at separate ends of a couch. Bunk beds and mattresses would add to their rest, and probably make them even better students. Pillows, sheets, and blankets would be terrific! ” Then we need your name, your agency’s name, and a contact phone number. It’s the responsibility of the submitting person to see that the gifts are delivered.
These have to be real clients, not neighbors, friends, or relatives. This is not a search for Barbie houses, video games, or Super Hero figures.
Please fax me a list of your clients who need help. Our total is 100, so keep that in mind. DEADLINE is MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16th
FAX 304-399-3501
Thank you so much. May the holiday spirit be with us all~
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